Signature Service Projects

Campus Care Logo_whitebg

Supporting THE PANTRY @ RCSJ

A 2020 survey from RCSJ showed 50% of students experienced at least one form of basic needs insecurity, 31% reported food security issues.

The Pantry is a campus-based pantry with a location on each Rowan College of South Jersey campus. Free and confidential, The Pantry provides both quick meal-on-the-go options and take-home grocery items for students experiencing food insecurity. Household and hygiene staples like toilet paper, toothbrushes, and period care products are also available. The Pantry is located on both the Gloucester and Cumberland campuses. 

Campus Care, recently launched in May 2024, is a community service project initiative created by the Volunteer Center of South Jersey, A program of Jersey Cares to support The Pantry at Rowan College of South Jersey.  Campus Care aims to engage the wider South Jersey community in supporting others through donations and collections drive opportunities for volunteers and volunteer groups looking to give back.

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Saying Thank You

Did you know that American's call 911 over 240 million times a year? First responders risk their lives every day answering these calls, and we'd like to say thank you! Project Appreciation allows members of the community to say a well-deserved “thank you” to local first responders. Volunteers will work on creating "thank you" kits benefiting local police and fire departments and other first responders.

Schools, church groups, teams and families are encouraged to register for needs as a team. Your team coordinator will receive a toolkit to complete the project. Individual volunteers may register as individuals and will receive a different toolkit for project completion. Kits will vary, but will always be easy enough to work on from your location.



Emergency Departments


Towns Served by PA
Gift Bags


Bags Made


Item Donations Collected
Crocheting Cause_VSJ

Doing it from home...

Have you been looking for a chance to volunteer from the comfort of your own home?

Join Crocheting For A Cause, where volunteers work on crochet projects from home that will benefit various non-profits throughout New Jersey. Three times a year, a different project will be announced and patterns will be emailed to registered volunteers. The Volunteer Center will coordinate the collections and deliveries to the various agencies.

Previous projects we have worked on include: hats for babies, crate blankets and toys for animals, hats, scarves, and blankets for the homeless, afghans for the elderly, and many others.





Volunteer Hours


Projects Completed
Item Created


Items Donated