October 24, 2024
Auletto Caterers
Vollywood Comes to South Jersey!
Nominate Extraordinary Individuals Today!
Join the Volunteer Center of South Jersey, as we embark on Vollywood Week with Jersey Cares, a week of celebrating people working together, highlighting the remarkable contributions of people who are making a difference in their local communities across New Jersey. The first of two special events, the Jersey Cares Volunteer Awards will take place on October 17, 2024 at the Crystal Plaza in Livingston from 6pm to 9pm. Then on October 24th, 2024, the Volunteer Center of South Jersey, a program of Jersey Cares, will end the week with the annual Spirit of Community celebration, recognizing the groups and individuals who are leading change across South Jersey.
These events promise to be nights of good times and gratitude, recognizing the tireless efforts of volunteers who have significantly impacted their communities. The events will feature a Hollywood entrance, entertainment, awards ceremony with dinner, and an opportunity for attendees to mingle with like-minded individuals who share a passion for service.
Nonprofits have a unique opportunity to recognize their Star Volunteers at this red-carpet event. Learn more and submit your Stars here.
Businesses can also recognize their Volunteer Star employees through corporate sponsorship. This recognition opportunity offers a platform for companies to recognize two employees who have served as an example making a difference and an inspiration to their company and its employees. Submit your Stars here.
Event Sponsorship Opportunities: By sponsoring Vollywood: A Night of Stars, your organization will be acknowledged as a community leader who champions volunteers, empowering them with the tools to ignite transformative change. Sponsorship also includes exposure to hundreds of New Jersey's for-profit and nonprofit business leaders and other like-minded individuals through Jersey Cares' communication channels, including our 20,000+ followers on social media and 40,000+ monthly newsletter subscribers. Learn more and become an event sponsor.
Stay tuned in the weeks and days leading up to this amazing week filled with exciting events and heartfelt appreciation. Be sure to follow us on social @sjvolunteers @jerseycares (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and X).
Submission categories and forms below.

These awards are available to nonprofits and businesses that want to recognize their volunteers and staff. This is NOT a nomination process, as all names submitted for awards in this category receive an award.
Take advantage of this unique opportunity to enjoy an evening with your team.
Volunteer Manager of the Year
This honor recognizes achievement in the creation, implementation and leadership of an effective volunteer program to meet social need. Submit volunteer manager names here.
Vollywood Walk of Fame Star Award
This award provides a public platform for local nonprofits and businesses to recognize volunteers whose unwavering commitment has served as an example and an inspiration to the entire organization.
The final recipient of each of the three awards listed below is selected by the Volunteer Center’s judging committee. There is no minimum hour requirement. Any member of the community can submit nominations.
Distinguished Youth Service Award
This award recognizes community leaders between the ages of 14 and 23 who have made a great impact in the community. Nominate volunteer names here.
Greg Davis Community Service Award
Honors a leader who has consistently gone above and beyond to make his/her community a better place through their commitment to volunteerism and selfless acts of service. Nominate a volunteer here.
Corporate Community Service Award
This award honors a socially responsible company with an exemplary commitment to service in their community. Nominate a company here.
Nonprofit of the Year Award
This award honors a Volunteer Center Nonprofit Partner and selected by the VCSJ Team.
President's Volunteer Service Award
The President's Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) recognizes the important role of volunteers in America's strength and national identity. This award honors individuals whose service positively impacts communities in every corner of the nation and inspires those around them to take action. As a PVSA Certifying Organization, The Volunteer Center of South Jersey awards the PVSA to volunteers serving New Jersey communities through VCSJ's nonprofit partner network.
To obtain a PVSA through VCSJ, the nonprofit organization certifying the hours must be partner of the VCSJ Nonprofit Partner Network and the hours must be recorded and approved on the Volunteer Center's GetConnected site.
- Community service MUST be verified by the organization(s) who are part of the VCSJ NPO Partner Network.
- Hour requirement (see above).
- Hours are tracked and approved on VCSJ's GetConnected site.
- Total hours are based on a calendar year, please submit one nomination per year.
- Recipients receive a signed letter from the President, and a service pin. Minimum age is 5. Yes, kids can earn these awards too!
Nonprofits have the option to celebrate their Presidential Service Awardees at the annual Spirit of Community Event. This is NOT a requirement, but an option.