Leverage Volunteers More Effectively

Service Enterprises experience a 23% increase in volunteers annually,

representing $63,000 in valued labor.

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A change management approach that helps organizations more effectively leverage volunteers and their skills, increasing their return on volunteer investment to to meet their missions.

This cohort based program is designed for multiple participants in your organization and includes weekly peer-learning opportunities. Your organization will begin with a comprehensive research-based assessment AKA the Service Enterprise Diagnostic (SED), which provides a baseline for future training and consulting within your organization, and a strategic pathway to national certification to equip your nonprofit with the tools and technical assistance necessary to support development and growth.

Fostering a Culture of Volunteerism

The goal of the Service Enterprise Initiative is to strengthen the capacity of organizations to strategically and effectively engage volunteers to address community needs.

A Service Enterprise is an organization that doesn’t just engage volunteers, but operates with a culture of volunteerism that enables it to fundamentally leverage volunteers and their skills to achieve its social mission. These high-performing organizations have deeply integrated volunteers into their strategic plan and day-to-day operations, thereby allowing them to reduce costs and increase efficiency and effectiveness in providing services to fulfill their mission.

A Service Enterprise Hub leads cohort(s) of organizations through a prescribed training and coaching process to build their capacity to operate in this way.

Ultimately, becoming a Service Enterprise organization will give you the ability to look at internal staff capacity in a new way and leverage skilled volunteers to expand that capacity to achieve your mission. A nationally certified Service Enterprise organization typically benefits from:

  • Outperforming similar organizations on all measures of organizational capacity
  • Increased human resource capacity with limited additional expense
  • Significant increase in volunteer hours contributed annually
  • Retooled operations that intentionally use skilled volunteers
  • Community needs better addressed through organizational growth
  • Ability to take programs to scale
  • VCSJ and Service Enterprise Trainers help organizations realize these benefits through assessment, training, and coaching.